
Frequent questions and answers (FAQs)






1. General questions

My child has Czech citizenship but does not speak Czech. What can I do?

It depends very much on your situation. If your child is eligible, the school can provide language and other support.

You can find more information here or contact your primary school or CIC.


Who is the Adaptation Coordinator?

A person who helps a child adapt to a new cultural environment and conditions in a Czech school. The coordinator is available to the child for the first 4 weeks after starting school.

The coordinator introduces the child to the classroom team; to the agreed rules of behaviour; to the school routine; to the school rights and duties. Provides basic support in the Czech language. Helps with orientation in school. Shows how school meals work, school club, after-school clubs, etc.


My child is going to the PPP for an examination? What will happen?

The PPP means "pedagogical-psychological counselling". The child will be examined by a psychologist and a special educator. Each examination takes about 2 hours. The parent can be present at the examination.

You can find more detailed information on how the PPP visit works here: Návštěva v pedagogicko psychologické poradně | PředškolníVě ( or contact CIC.


Can my child have an assistant?

Yes, if the child is recommended in an evaluation from the school counseling center.

Contact your school or CIC for more information.


Can my child have an IVP? What is an IVP?

Yes, as long as it is recommended by the school counseling center. It depends on the results of the examination.

An IVP - Individualized Education Plan - helps the teacher to better tailor instruction for your child. It describes the teaching procedures for each subject, how the lessons are organised, how they are assessed and so on. The IVP is evaluated regularly. You can also use it to monitor your child's improvement.


Can my child learn Czech somewhere? Where?

Yes, you can. There are both full-time and online forms of Czech language tuition.

Czech language courses are offered for example by CIC o.p.s. or Meta o.p.s. It is possible that your school also provides Czech language lessons.

Contact CIC for more information.


How can the school my child attends help?

It depends very much on your situation. If your child is eligible, they may be able to provide language and other support.


What is my child entitled to?

It very much depends on your situation. Contact your primary school or CIC for more information.


What is a "spádová škola"?

It is the nearest school to where you live. By law, children are entitled to be admitted to education at the relevant catchment school/area.


Which school is designed to provide language training?

You can find this information on your regional authority's website. Please note that schools are subject to change. Contact the CIC if you have any problems.


Can my child attend language training at any designated school?

Yes, it is possible. The only condition is that the school must be in the same county (kraj) as the child's home school.


Can language training take place online?

Yes, it can. Some organisations offer both full-time and online courses.


Will my child get a report card/grade in Czech at the end of the year?

Yes, they must. Otherwise, the child will not be able to advance to the next grade. The child may also have a verbal evaluation.



Can my child have an extended study?

Yes, under certain conditions. Contact CIC for more information.



Can my child get language support before starting high school?

Yes. CIC together with META o.p.s. offers a one-year preparatory course for studying at the SŠ.


Do they have to take a Czech language exam for the entrance exam to high school?

They don't have to if you apply for a waiver. The level of Czech language will be determined at the oral interview.

The school counselling centre may suggest adjusting the conditions - more time, use of a dictionary, a support person. Check with the school.


Can my child receive language support in the Czech language while studying?

Yes. Based on the recommendation of the school counselling centre. This can be up to 3h/week.


What language support can my child have for the final exam?

If the children have been educated in Czech, they should be prepared for the final exam in ČJL (Czech language and literature).


The child has been educated abroad for at least 4 years in the last 8 years.

Eligible for benefits. You must apply.

  • didactic test: Czech language - 30 minutes extra + translation dictionary
  • written work: Czech - 45 minutes extra + translation dictionary + Dictionary of written Czech
  • didactic test: mathematics - 10 minutes extra + translation dictionary

Under certain conditions, the studies can be extended for up to two years.


4. University

Can my child study at a university in the Czech Republic? In which language?

Yes, it is possible. Most of the subjects are studied in Czech. Some schools offer programmes in English. These programs are charged.


Didn't find the answer? Contact us!


Praha – sociální poradenství

Konzultační hodiny:

Pondělí – pátek po předchozím objednání.
Monday – Friday by appointment.
Понедельник – пятница по предварительной записи.


tel.: +420 704 600 700
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Neposkytujeme konzultace po telefonu.
We do not provide consultations over the phone.
Ми не надаємо консультацій по телефону.


Kolín – sociální poradenství

tel.: +420 774 866 838, +420 731 299 255

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mladá Boleslav – sociální poradenství

Konzultační hodiny:

Pondělí – pátek po předchozím objednání.
Monday – Friday by appointment.
Понедельник – пятница по предварительной записи.


tel.: +420 735 755 200

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Neposkytujeme konzultace po telefonu.
We do not provide consultations over the phone.
Ми не надаємо консультацій по телефону.


Liberec – sociální poradenství

tel.: +420 735 752 467

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

